At Bergerac Publishing Co. LLC, we are an independent publisher and digital media company committed to bringing people together through the power of storytelling. Our ethos, "One World, One Humanity, One Story," reflects our belief in the unifying power of narratives.

We pride ourselves on representing independent authors, offering a platform where their voices can be heard. By expertly marketing their books and eBooks on renowned retail websites, including the Amazon bookstore, we ensure these unique stories reach readers far and wide.

In our digital endeavors:

Vista World News stands as our digital news platform, dedicated to providing balanced and comprehensive coverage of events that shape our world, nation, and local communities.

Journova is our independent digital journalism platform, embodying our commitment to in-depth, transparent, and ethical reporting.

Bergerac Publishing Co. LLC is not just a company; it's a community where stories that transcend boundaries are crafted and shared.

We are here to make a positive contribution, one story at a time.